Art Critique 1

This piece This piece is in no way realistic, but that doesn't mean it's unrecognizable. I think it expresses feelings of sadness because of the gray/blue colours. The painting clearly depicts two boats floating down a stream near a construction site, with lots of fog coming out of nearby chimneys.
It feels to me, as if they are rebuilding after some great tragedy, because of the depressing colours, and the construction site, where it looks like they're rebuilding something rather than creating something. You can also see the sunlight just shining through the clouds, which gives a feeling of hope.
Another reason this painting makes me think of rebuilding, is because of where the sun is positioned you can tell it's dawn, so it's the beginning of a new day, which feels like a new beginning which sounds to me like hope.
The hues of the image create a contrast between the sun and the rest of the gay/blue area, which gives the sky a warmer feel. The lines and texture, and hue help create emphasis on the boat by putting it near contrasting colours, and making the hue on the boat darker. The direction where the water flows brings your eye closer to the people on the boat. Monet did a great job of taking the value down on the people, and the boat to create a great contrast, and also puts emphasis on the focal. The shapes are consistently organic, and have no sharp edges, giving the painting, a soft smooth feel. The balance in this piece is great and you can see the rule of thirds being used between the land and water.
I love this painting. I'm a big fan of Monet’s work. I love the quick brush stroke style of the piece, and the feelings of despair, but also hope that it conveys. I love the impressionist style, and one day I hope I am able to learn how to make brilliant pieces similar to this.